The Electoral Hub with support from local and international organizations, donor agencies, and development partners have been advocating for an improved and strengthened electoral system in Nigeria through the provision of data and critical and contextualised analysis.
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Celebrating transparency and accountability in governance!
Celebrating transparency and accountability in governance! Legislative openness is crucial for democratic governance as it ensures citizens have a voice in the decision-making process. Check out our infographic to learn why legislative openness matters.#GLOW2024 #OpenNASS #OpenParl2024 #IRIADForTransparency #IRIADForPublicAccountability #GlobalLegislativeOpennessWeek2024
African Food Security and Nutrition Day
On this African Food Security and Nutrition Day, IRIAD-The Electoral Hub highlights the urgent need for collective action across the continent to combat hunger and malnutrition.Food security is essential for sustainable development, and access to nutritious food is a basic human right essential for the well-being of all Africans.Let us […]
World Development Information Day
On this World Development Information Day, IRIAD – The Electoral Hub Advocates #InformationForAll. Access to accurate and timely information is essential for empowering citizens and promoting sustainable development.At IRIAD- The Electoral Hub, we believe that informed societies drive progress and strengthen democracies. Join us in advocating for transparency and accessibility! […]